Dr. Ryan Donlan taught as a high school English and Journalism teacher, then helping to design programs for at-risk students, later considering himself ever-a-teacher in roles of Assistant Principal, Alternative Education Director, Athletic Director, Principal, Director, and Superintendent. He taught English and Journalism at the community college level, and then for a number of years in a business university in Communications, English, and Interdisciplinary Studies, including courses in Diversity, Ethics, Etiquette, and Freshman Seminar/College Colloquium. Upon graduation from his Doctor of Education program, he then began teaching M.Ed. courses in Educational leadership in the following areas:
Dr. Donlan has most recently, taught full-time as a faculty member in the M.Ed., Ed.S., and Ph.D. programs at Indiana State University in the following courses:
Ph.D. Program
Human Relations in Educational Administration
Advanced Leadership Theory, Governance, and External Relations
Research in Educational Administration
Contemporary Problems in Educational Administration
Seminar in the Foundations of Modern Education
Doctoral Dissertation
Ed.S. Program
Social Foundations of Leadership
Internship of the Superintendency
Seminar in the Superintendency
M.Ed. Program
The School Principalship: Leadership for Changing Schools
School and Community: Collaborating for Effective Schools
The Principal Internship
School and Society